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Emission Impossible? Tackling Climate Change with NYC's Local Law 97

Updated: May 25

New York City, the city that never sleeps, is also a city that never stops innovating. In a world grappling with the impacts of climate change, NYC is stepping up to the plate with its groundbreaking legislation, Local Law 97. This ambitious piece of legislation, part of the Climate Mobilization Act, is setting the stage for the city to tackle climate change head-on. In this blog post, we'll explore the challenges and opportunities presented by Local Law 97 as NYC strives to reduce its carbon emissions and build a more sustainable future.

The Climate Mobilization Act: A Brief Overview

The Climate Mobilization Act, enacted in 2019, is a comprehensive legislative package designed to address climate change on a local level. At its core is Local Law 97, which targets the emissions produced by buildings, a major contributor to New York City's carbon footprint.

Key Provisions of Local Law 97

Local Law 97 introduces several key provisions to confront climate change:

1. Emissions Caps: The law establishes emissions caps for buildings over 25,000 square feet, with limits varying based on occupancy and building type. These caps become progressively stricter over time, pushing for greater reductions.

2. Carbon Trading: To encourage compliance, Local Law 97 allows building owners to engage in carbon trading. This means that if a building exceeds its emissions cap, it can offset the excess emissions by purchasing carbon credits from more energy-efficient buildings.

3. Incentives for Sustainability: The law incentivizes building owners to invest in energy-efficient upgrades and green technologies by offering financial incentives, including tax credits and low-interest loans.

Tackling Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities

1. Emissions Reduction: Local Law 97 plays a pivotal role in NYC's quest to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. However, meeting these emissions targets is a significant challenge that requires widespread adoption of energy-efficient practices.

2. Economic Growth: The law presents a unique opportunity for economic growth by creating jobs in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable construction. It also encourages private sector investment in green technologies.

3. Climate Resilience: As NYC faces the growing impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise and extreme weather events, Local Law 97 motivates building owners to make their properties more resilient and adaptive.

4. Global Inspiration: NYC's dedication to sustainability through Local Law 97 sets an example for cities worldwide. It demonstrates that urban centers can take bold measures to combat climate change and inspire others to do the same.


"Emission Impossible?" Not quite. While the challenges of addressing climate change may seem insurmountable at times, initiatives like Local Law 97 demonstrate that it is possible to make significant progress. NYC is taking the lead in showing how cities can become more sustainable, resilient, and innovative in the face of climate change.

As Local Law 97 continues to be implemented, we can expect to see a city that is not only a bustling hub of activity but also a shining example of environmental stewardship. It is a testament to the city's determination to take bold steps towards a more sustainable future, proving that tackling climate change is not impossible but, in fact, an imperative for the wellbeing of our planet and future generations.

Sustainable living in a green city; people conversing over lunch with wind turbines and green buildings in the background

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