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Decoding NYC's Climate Mobilization Act: The Impact of Local Law 97

Updated: May 25

New York City, a bustling metropolis known for its iconic skyline, is taking bold steps to combat climate change and reduce its carbon footprint. At the heart of this effort is the Climate Mobilization Act, a comprehensive legislative package that includes Local Law 97. In this blog post, we will decode the Climate Mobilization Act and delve into the impact of Local Law 97 on the city's journey toward a more sustainable future.

Understanding the Climate Mobilization Act

The Climate Mobilization Act, passed in 2019, is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to address the city's contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. At its core, the act seeks to revolutionize the way buildings in the city use and generate energy, as buildings account for a significant portion of New York City's carbon emissions.

Key Provisions of Local Law 97

Local Law 97, a central component of the Climate Mobilization Act, introduces several key provisions:

1. Emissions Caps: Local Law 97 sets emissions caps for large buildings (over 25,000 square feet) based on their occupancy and building type. These caps are designed to limit carbon emissions, with increasingly stringent targets over time.

2. Carbon Trading: To facilitate compliance, the law allows building owners to engage in carbon trading. If a building exceeds its emissions cap, it can offset its excess emissions by purchasing carbon credits from more energy-efficient buildings, promoting cooperation and emissions reduction.

3. Incentives for Efficiency: The law offers financial incentives such as tax credits and low-interest loans to encourage building owners to invest in energy-efficient upgrades and sustainable technologies.

The Impact of Local Law 97

1. Emissions Reduction: Local Law 97 is a significant step toward achieving New York City's ambitious emissions reduction goals. By placing emissions caps on large buildings, it directly addresses one of the city's major sources of carbon emissions.

2. Economic Growth: The law stimulates economic growth by fostering the development of a green workforce, creating jobs in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and construction. It also encourages investment in green technologies and innovation.

3. Climate Resilience: In a city vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, Local Law 97 encourages building owners to make their properties more resilient and adaptable. This enhances the city's overall climate resilience.

4. Global Inspiration: New York City's commitment to sustainability through the Climate Mobilization Act and Local Law 97 serves as a global example. It demonstrates that even large urban centers can take decisive action against climate change.


Local Law 97, as part of the Climate Mobilization Act, is a testament to New York City's dedication to combating climate change and creating a more sustainable future. It has far-reaching implications, from reducing emissions and promoting economic growth to enhancing climate resilience and inspiring cities worldwide. As New York City continues to implement and refine this legislation, it moves closer to becoming a greener, more environmentally conscious urban hub, setting a remarkable example for others to follow.

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